Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Final Friday in Cincinnati

This is the main Annex building.  I'll be upstairs.

This is almost as last-minute as you can get, but this Friday, March 29, from 6pm-9:30pm I will be exhibiting and selling my polymer clay jewelry at the Pendleton Art Center in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati.  It has been  a little while since I was there.  My friend Margie has a gorgeous studio in the Annex, the shorter building directly across the brick alley (aptly named Artist Alley, from what I recall) from the 8 story main building.  There is a neon sign in the second story window...formerly the studio of Frank Satogata....just take the steps to the second floor, and I'm in the first studio, #10.  Margie has work there, as well as wire/metal sculptures from Cincinnati artist John "Wire".  Since this is my "maiden" show in her studio, I will be bringing only my most awesome jewelry....loose beads and buttons may come at a later date.

Who knows....if you come and mention you saw this blog, I may just have a special goodie for you.  I accept cash and checks with photo i.d.

If you don't want to wait for or pay for valet parking, the new Horseshoe Casino a couple of blocks away has free parking after 6pm.

Hope to see you there. 

(Updated March 29..... Tonight I had a great time up in Margie's studio.  It's such a warm and comfortable room with such a neat variety of items inside.  I plan on being there again for Final Friday on April 26.  Thank you to all who visited and purchased some of my work!)

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